Being an expat in Florence

Being an expat in Florence


Meeting a foreign resident in Florence makes me wonder: “What brought him here?” (love, work, despair, art heritage, studies, food, wine, people, indecision), what moved him to stay here, what do I have in common with this person (at first and apparently quite a lot, and sometimes, in reality, nothing). However, what differentiates us, I sure know. It is usually, with natural exceptions, the routine. My discontinuous / intermittent stays in Florence let me enjoy the city with a renewed intensity each time. Such joy, I am afraid, might become ruined when choosing a permanent residence.

Being an expat in Florence

Cuando conozco a un extranjero que vive en Florencia siempre me pregunto qué le trajo aquí (el amor, el trabajo, la desesperación, la tradición artística, los estudios, la cultura, la comida, el vino, la gente, la indecisión), qué le movió a quedarse, qué tengo en común con esta persona (aparentemente tanto y en ocasiones, en realidad, nada). Lo que nos separa sí lo sé. Suele ser, resumiendo bastante y con naturales excepciones, la rutina. Mis estancias discontinuas/intermitentes en Florencia me permiten vivir la ciudad cada vez con una intensidad renovada, que quizá se viera arruinada —es mi gran temor— con una residencia permanente.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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