Betty Long’s Florence

Betty Long’s Florence


Bye for now, beautiful Florence. When in Florence, exceptional and majestic artworks created by humans wait for you in every corner. Its streets, always crowded with the bustle that comes with it, make Florence the perfect place for lonely travelers’ initiation where they will never feel alone. Where the coffee, although expensive, is exquisite. Where Michelangelo’s David and the Duomo share space with Dior and Chanel. The city welcomed and captivated me from the very beginning with its magic and, although the coin thrown at Il Porcellino insisted on predicting the opposite, I will always want to return to Florence. Thank you, Paco Neumann, for showing me your Florence, especially from the most outstanding balcony I have ever stepped on. Ci vediamo presto!

Betty Long’s Florence

Hasta la vista, bella Florencia, ciudad donde en cada esquina te esperan obras de arte mayestáticas y excepcionales creadas por el ser humano. Donde el bullicio de sus calles concurridas propicia que sea un espacio perfecto para la iniciación de los viajeros solitarios que jamás se sentirán solos. Donde el café, aunque caro, es exquisito. Ciudad donde Dior y Chanel comparten adoquines con el David de Miguel Ángel y el Duomo. Ciudad que te acoge y te embriaga desde el primer momento con su magia. Y ciudad a la que siempre querré volver, aunque la moneda arrojada al Porcellino se empeñe en vaticinar lo contrario… Gracias, Paco Neumann, por enseñarme Florencia desde tus ojos y desde el balcón más especial en el que nunca he estado. Ci vediamo presto!

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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