Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio, the other popular market of Florence

Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio, the other popular market of Florence


In comparison to the bigger central market of San Lorenzo, its twin in the city, the smaller Sant’ Ambrogio, is even better. It caters in a local, neighbourhood style, resulting as more authentic. It has an area partly open, where clothes, fruits, vegetables and groceries are sold outside; inside, there´re grocery, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and mini restaurants. Opposite the market was the old monastery of Santa Verdiana, once used as a female prison, and now stands the Faculty of Architecture. Located in piazza Ghiberti and projected in 1873 by Giuseppe Mengoni, the original urban plans included — after the destruction of the old market — the creation of three modern outlets in the historical centre: the central market of San Lorenzo, the market of Sant ‘Ambrogio and a market which was never built, the San Frediano market. Open from Monday to Saturday from 7 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Practical info

Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio, el otro mercado de Florencia

El hermano pequeño del mercado central de San Lorenzo no tiene tanto que envidiar a su hermano mayor. El mercado de Sant’Ambrogio es más de barrio, menos turístico y por lo tanto quizá más auténtico. Parcialmente abierto, en el exterior se vende ropa, frutas, verduras y comestibles. En el interior hay puestos de comestibles, carne y pescado, frutas, verduras y minirrestaurantes. Frente al mercado se encuentra el antiguo monasterio de Santa Verdiana, antaño utilizado como una prisión femenina y que en la actualidad alberga la Facultad de Arquitectura. Emplazado en piazza Ghiberti y proyectado en 1873 por Giuseppe Mengoni, los planes urbanos de Poggi incluían, tras la destrucción del mercado antiguo, la creación de tres puntos de venta modernos en el centro histórico: el mercado central de San Lorenzo, el mercado de Sant’Ambrogio y un mercado que nunca se edificó: el mercado de San Frediano. Abierto de lunes a sábado de 7 a 14 horas.
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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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