I have a date at Caffè del Verone in Florence

I have a date at Caffè del Verone in Florence


Due to the tangle of streets that makes up the medieval layout in the historic part of Florence, with its narrow, winding and cobbled alleyways, it is not easy to find a terrace where you can sit and sunbathe, drink a beer, and read a short novel by Stefan Zweig or Italo Calvino. This is only possible in certain large squares and in the upper lodges of some Florentine hotels and palaces, such as the last floor of the Ospedale degli Innocenti (piazza Santissima Annunziata).

It is not as popular as the terraces of the Palazzo Guadagni, the S·sto or the Minerva Hotel. Perhaps because only a few know that the access to the café is free although you have to take the elevator placed at the museum facilities next to the museum bookstore. The Caffè del Verone is located where the clothesline (verone in Italian) of the Istituto degli Innocenti (former orphanage) used to be, back on time, at the end of the 15th century. This terrace-café of the Quattrocento is located on the top floor of the former orphanage and it opened to the public in June 2016. No need to say that it has fabulous views of Florence and the surrounding hills.
Caffè del Verone is open Mondays from 8am to 7pm, Tuesday to Saturday from 8am to 9pm, and Sundays from 9am to 19pm

Tengo una cita en el Caffè del Verone de Florencia

Debido al trazado medieval del casco antiguo de la ciudad, de calles estrechas, sinuosas y empedradas, no resulta fácil encontrar una terraza en Florencia en la que puedas sentarte a tomar el sol, beber una cerveza y leer una novela corta de Stefan Zweig o de Italo Calvino. Esto solo es posible en ciertas plazas de grandes dimensiones y en las logias superiores de algunos hoteles y palacios florentinos, como ocurre en la última planta del Ospedale degli Innocenti (piazza Santissima Anunziata).

No es tan popular como las terrazas del Palazzo Guadagni, del S·sto o del Hotel Minerva, quizá porque pocos saben que no es necesario pagar en el museo para acceder a las instalaciones del Caffè del Verone. Basta tomar el ascensor que hay junto a la librería del museo. En el Caffè del Verone se ubicaba a partir de finales del siglo XV el tendedero (verone en italiano) del Istituto degli Innocenti (antiguo orfanato). Abierto al público en junio de 2016, esta terraza-cafetería del Quattrocento corona la última planta del edificio, con fabulosas vistas de Florencia y de las colinas circundantes.
Abierto los lunes de 8:00 a 19:00 horas, de martes a sábado de 8:00 a 21:00, y los domingos de 9:00 a 19:00

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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