Gardens of Florence #6: giardino dell´Iris

Gardens of Florence #6: giardino dell´Iris


Each year Florence is ready to witness the flowering of the iris in the giardino dell´Iris. It is located in piazzale Michelangelo and was founded in 1954 with the aim of organizing an annual international contest to reward the best varieties of iris. Florence is considered the natural home of the iris because of the bond that this flower always had with the history of the city. The emblem of Florence is a red iris in a white field, and not a lily, as is mistakenly believed. The site offers panoramic views of the city thanks to a surface of approximately two and a half hectares on the hill of an olive grove. It is divided by paths and stone paths, flowerbeds and stairs. Here one can see the variants of the iris: intermediate and dwarf bearded, Japanese, Sibiric, Louisiana … In addition to guided tours in Italian and English, watercolor painting courses are also offered.
Monday through Friday from 10a.m. to 1p.m. and from 3p.m. to 7:30p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 10a.m. to 7:30p.m. Last admission, half an hour before closing time. Free entrance

Jardines de Florencia: giardino dell’Iris

Como todos los años, la cita con el florecimiento del iris en el giardino dell’Iris ha llegado a Florencia. Este jardín, ubicado en el piazzale Michelangelo, se fundó en 1954 con el objetivo de organizar un concurso internacional anual para premiar las mejores variedades de iris. Florencia está considerada el hogar natural del iris por el vínculo que esta flor siempre ha mantenido con la historia de la ciudad. El emblema de Florencia es un iris rojo en un campo blanco, y no un lirio, como erróneamente se cree. Con vistas panorámicas de la ciudad, la superficie del jardín, de aproximadamente dos hectáreas y media, se sitúa en la colina de un olivar. Está dividido por senderos y caminos de piedra, parterres y escaleras. Aquí es posible observar diversas variantes del iris: barbudo intermedio y enano, japonés, sibirica, luisiana… Además de visitas guiadas en italiano e inglés, se organizan cursos de pintura con acuarela.
De lunes a viernes de 10 a 13 y de 15 a 19:30 horas. Sábados y domingos, de 10 a 19:30. Última admisión, media hora antes del horario de cierre. Entrada gratuita

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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