Cloisters of Florence: the great scape

Cloisters of Florence: the great scape


Florence does not stand as a vulgar Renaissance theme park, but rather as an infinite source of beauty and art, an open-air museum in which emotions grow by every minute. As I walk through the cloisters of Santa Maria Novella, San Lorenzo, San Marcos, Santa Croce or Santo Spirito, peace and solitude seem very tangible to me. However, what most hypnotizes me is rather more radical. In these religious courtyards, with their gallery portrayed on all four sides, it is easy to feel as if you had left this world, not minding at all how to return, while you are busy imagining your next sins and who will be part of them.

Claustros de Florencia: la gran evasión

Más que un vulgar parque temático del Renacimiento, Florencia es sobre todo una fuente inagotable de belleza y arte, un museo a cielo abierto en el que las emociones se cuentan por minuto. Cuando paseo por los claustros de Santa Maria Novella, San Lorenzo, San Marcos, Santa Croce o Santo Spirito, la paz y la soledad son muy palpables. Sin embargo, lo que aquí me hipnotiza es algo más radical. En estos patios religiosos, con galería portificada en sus cuatro costados, resulta fácil sentirse como si te hubieras salido del mundo y no te importara encontrar el camino de vuelta, mientras planeas cuáles serán tus próximos pecados y a quién vas a incluir en ellos.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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