Trattoria Sergio Gozzi: authentic Tuscan «casalinga» cousine in the heart of Florence

Trattoria Sergio Gozzi: authentic Tuscan «casalinga» cousine in the heart of Florence


This family-run trattoria, semi-hidden in Piazza San Lorenzo, shows a lot of stickers from Tripadvisor, Yelp and all of those platforms, which prepare respectable reviews of commercial establishments for tourists to visit in droves. The number of stickers on the door normally corresponds to the length of queuing. However, such claims seem to me of doubtful value, as I never had much faith in the reviews written even by acquaintances. «Casalinga» is related to the sort of cuisine, in this regard, not only homemade and Tuscan, but also highlighting the quality of the food, rather than the presentation of the dishes or the decoration of the premises. Trattoria Sergio Gozzi displays an interior design with a genuinely rustic and modest personality. The menu of the day is brief but compelling. Affordable prices.
Trattoria Sergio Gozzi (since 1915), piazza di San Lorenzo 8R, 50123 Florence | Open only at noon, no reservations | Best after 2:30 p.m.

Trattoria Sergio Gozzi: auténtica comida casalinga toscana en el centro de Florencia

Esta trattoria familiar, semiescondida en plena piazza San Lorenzo, exhibe en la puerta un sinfín de pegatinas de Tripadvisor, Yelp y otras plataformas similares encargadas de elaborar reseñas respetables de establecimientos comerciales, que luego los turistas visitan en tropel. El número de pegatinas en la puerta suele ser proporcional a la longitud de la cola para entrar en el local. Este reclamo siempre me ha parecido de dudosa valía, sobre todo porque nunca he tenido mucha fe ni siquiera en las recensiones escritas por personas que no me son del todo desconocidas. “Casalinga” determina el tipo de cocina; en este caso, casera y toscana, en la que prima más la calidad de la comida que la presentación de los platos o la decoración del local. Interiorismo con personalidad genuinamente agreste y modesta. La carta del día es breve pero convincente. Precios permisibles.
Trattoria Sergio Gozzi (desde 1915), piazza di San Lorenzo 8R, 50123 Florencia | Abierto solo al mediodía; no admiten reservas | Mejor, después de las 14:30 horas

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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