Alternatives to the “Stendhal syndrome:” Museum House Vasari or the artist who gave name to the Renaissance

Alternatives to the “Stendhal syndrome:” Museum House Vasari or the artist who gave name to the Renaissance


Vasari bought this garden house in Arezzo in 1541. In the last century some Tuscan artists turned the place into a small museum dedicated to Mannerism. This site is today an illustrious example of an artist’s house in which Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian of our era, celebrated his thoughts and his art. Its rooms are profusely decorated with frescoes and embellished with Mannerist paintings, revealing the supreme expression of 16th century Italian art. After completing his architectural works, Vasari dedicated himself to the pictorial decoration between 1542 and 1568, thus these rooms praise the artist’s role through biblical, mythological themes and numerous allegories to the astonishment of any visitor. The main rooms are substantially unchanged. The original furniture does not remain.
Casa Vasari – Via XX Settembre 55 – 52100 Arezzo

Alternativas al síndrome de Stendhal: Casa Museo Vasari o el artista que dio nombre al Renacimiento

Vasari compró esta casa con jardín en Arezzo en 1541. A mediados del siglo pasado, algunos artistas toscanos convirtieron este lugar en un pequeño museo dedicado al Manierismo. Esta vivienda es hoy un ejemplo ilustre de casa de artista en la que Giorgio Vasari, el primer historiador de arte de nuestra era, celebró sus pensamientos y su arte. En las habitaciones profusamente decoradas con frescos y embellecidas con pinturas manieristas, se observa la expresión suprema del arte italiano del siglo XVI. Después de terminar los trabajos arquitectónicos, Vasari se entregó a la decoración pictórica entre 1542 y 1568, ornamentando las habitaciones con la intención de elogiar el papel del artista a través de temas bíblicos, mitológicos y numerosas alegorías que causan estupefacción en el visitante. Las salas principales se conservan sustancialmente inalteradas. Del mobiliario, prácticamente, ni rastro.
Casa Vasari – Via XX Settembre 55 – 52100 Arezzo


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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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