Forte di Belvedere: refuge of the Medici and viewpoint of Florence

Forte di Belvedere: refuge of the Medici and viewpoint of Florence


Built at the end of the 16th century by order of Fernando I de’ Medici, Forte Belvedere is the common name of the fortress of Santa Maria in San Giorgio del Belvedere, one of the two fortresses of Florence. This building is also a popular panoramic viewpoint and a valuable architectural site of the city. The final move of the grand ducal court from the Palazzo Vecchio to the Palazzo Pitti undoubtedly influenced the decision to build the new fortress, near the wall surrounding the Boboli gardens adjacent to the Pitti Palace. In case of any danger, the prince and the court could quickly reach a fortified refuge from which they could still rule the city.

Forte di Belvedere: el refugio de los Medici, punto panorámico de Florencia

Construido a finales del siglo XVI por orden de Fernando I de’ Medici, el Forte Belvedere es el nombre común que recibe la fortaleza de Santa María en San Giorgio del Belvedere, una de las dos fortalezas de Florencia. Este edificio es además un popular punto panorámico y una valiosa obra arquitectónica de la ciudad. La mudanza final de la gran corte ducal del Palazzo Vecchio al Palazzo Pitti, sin duda, influyó en la decisión de construir la nueva fortaleza cerca de la muralla que rodeaba los jardines de Boboli adyacentes al Palacio Pitti. En caso de peligro interno, el príncipe y la corte podían así alcanzar rápidamente un refugio fortificado desde el que podían dominar la ciudad.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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